Zhou, J., P. Mennig, D. Zhou,J. Sauer. 2024. Shadow Prices of Agrochemicals in the Chinese Farming Sector: A Convex Expectile Regression Approach.Journal of Environmental Management(accepted and forthcoming).(SCIE)
Leepromrath, S., J. Zhou,D. Zhou. 2024. The Impacts of Crop Diversity Adoption on Rubber Farmers’ Welfare: Evidence from Thailand.Agroforestry Systems:1-21.doi:10.1007/s10457-024-01009-3.(SCIE)
Yasin, S. I., S. Leepromrath, G. E. Mwalupaso,D. Zhou. 2024. Impacts of Covid-19 on Food Consumption Pattern and Food Security in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research(accepted and forthcoming).(SCIE)
Zhou, J., S. Leepromrath,D. Zhou. 2023. Dietary Diversity Indices Versus Dietary Guideline-Based Indices and Their Associations with Non-Communicable Diseases, Overweight and Energy Intake: Evidence from China.Public Health Nutrition26 (5):911-933.doi:10.1017/S1368980022000556.(SCI)
Sirimaporn Leepromrath, Jing Zhu, Jiajun Zhou, Tianxiang Li,D. Zhou. 2021. Rubber Crop Diversity and Its Influential Factors in Thailand.Journal of Rubber Research24 (3):461-473.doi:10.1007/s42464-021-00114-7.(SCIE)
Zhou, J., S. Leepromrath, X. Tian,D. Zhou. 2020a. Dynamics of Chinese Diet Divergence from Chinese Food Pagoda and Its Association with Adiposity and Influential Factors: 2004–2011.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17 (2):507.doi:10.3390/ijerph17020507.(SCI, SSCI)
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Diallo, M. F., J. Zhou, H. Elham,D. Zhou. 2020. Effect of Agricultural Credit Access on Rice Productivity: Evidence from the Irrigated Area of Anambe Basin, Senegal.Journal of Agricultural Science12 (3):78-87.doi:10.5539/jas.v12n3p78
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Zhou, Y., W. Ding,D. Zhou. 2018. Structure Changes in Food System and China’s Concerns with Food Safety Policy.World Food Policy4 (2):197-221.doi:10.18278/wfp.4.2.11
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Zhou, D.,X. Yu. 2015. Calorie Elasticities with Income Dynamics: Evidence from the Literature.Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy37 (4):575-601.doi:10.1093/aepp/ppu043.(SCI, SSCI)
Zhou, D.,D. Koemle. 2015. Price Transmission in Hog and Feed Markets of China.Journal of Integrative Agriculture14 (6):1122-1129.doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(14)60995-3.(SCI)
Zhou, D., X. Yu,T. Herzfeld. 2015. Dynamic Food Demand in Urban China.China Agricultural Economic Review7 (1):27-44.doi:10.1108/CAER-02-2014-0016.(SCI, SSCI)
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